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Heart on my SLEEVE

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What is this book about?

Heart On My Sleeve is a collection of poems written inspired by true events that have happened to me, those around me, and subjects important to me. The books begins with the telling of true love, and throughout the book, you'll discover more about love, family, mental health and much more. There is a bonus section that also includes some of my works that are published in other collections!

Call Me Dalori...

We've all heard someone claim that they were " a poet and didn't even know it." However, that was the  actual case for me. I hated poetry as a kid. Well, to be fair, the main poetic influence was cowboy poetry, and that did not interest me at all. Not to mention, when we were required to write a cowboy poem, and I couldn't relate, and would score poorly, discouraged my enthusiasm for this style of literature.


Thankfully, pop culture piqued my interest, as I soon would one day hope some boy would write love poems about me. It wasn't until one fateful day, my sophomore English teacher encouraged me to enter the community college's poetry contest. She believed I had a chance at getting my poem selected and published. I accepted her request, but I had no idea what I'd write. Inspiration can come from anywhere, and my came from a conversation about cities with funny names. I took the time to research funny city names and almost miraculously (at least as far my expectations for myself were at the time) completed a clever poem about Living in America. I had submitted my poem, not expecting to hear a word back.  

Some time had passed, and I nearly forgot about the contest.  I had no idea that day was going to be pivotal to my writing career. I began to read more poetry,  and writing poetry became another avenue for me to express myself. I had been reached out to by Z Publishing who came across my poem Living in America, and wanted me to submit a few of my poems into their collage. After long consideration, I decided that I wanted to self publish my poems. 

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